Why come to SafeTalk?
In only a few hours, you will learn how to provide practical help to persons who are having thoughts of suicide.
SafeTALK prepares you to be a suicide helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help. Often these opportunities to help are missed, dismissed or avoided – leaving people more alone and at greater risk.
SafeTALK training prepares you to help by using the steps of TALK ( Tell, Ask, Listen, KeepSafe) to identify and engage with people who are contemplating suicide and to connect them with further help and care.
A SafeTALK will take place on Monday 22nd August 2016 from 10am to 1pm at Castlemaine Community Centre.
Registration is essential. To register, please contact us on 066 9767833 or 086 0580019 or mainevalleyfrc@eircom.net.
It is advisable that you do not attend this training if you have experienced bereavement within the past two years OR if you have attended an ASIST workshop.